When a human being dies with NO belief in Yah or when they have been rejected by Yah, they are informed of their error and then returned to the body from whence they came as an "ancestor spirit" or "demon"
These demons have the opportunity to gain authority and stature in the service of Satan by leading alive human beings on earth into greater and greater sin
Satan cannot operate directly on earth, he is constrained to operate through live human beings and ancestor spirits and the ancestor spirits can do nothing unless they work through live human beings
The first human beings who did NOT believe in Yah lived a few hundred years from Adam and died before the flood
The flood came about because almost NO human beings on earth believed in Yah or had relationship with Yah
ONLY Noah and Shem and their wives and to a lesser extent Japheth and his wife had relationships with Yah, only Noah and Shem had STRONG personal relationships
Ham was like most believers today, he had a superficial head knowledge of Yah but no material relationship and a lot of involvement in the dark side to the point where he was carrying significant demons, Molech, Malak, Baal amongst others
Yah wanted Ham and Japheth to perish in the flood but Noah pleaded for their deliverance
As a consequence the demons on Ham got free passage to the world after the flood and very quickly took control of Satan's campaign on earth
They are today massively powerful and are the masterminds behind the Satanic onslaught on earth
These demons gain power when men worship them and gain even greater power when human sacrifices are made to them -- they are literally power hungry
Each has a large contingent of fallen messengers who do their bidding and carry them around wherever they want to go, they also have high end Satanist and Witch servants who serve them and represent them in the world of the living and give the necessary commands for the decrees of these demons to be carried out on earth in exchange for promises of great authority in the after-life
The billions of other human spirits that have died without belief in Yah, are scattered all over the earth residing on the human beings who are alive today
Some of these demons are aggressively serving Satan, some are lukewarm and disinterested in the things of Satan just as they were when they were alive. A limited number who were "good people" in their lives and who were tricked into serving Satan, wants nothing to do with the Satanic agenda and do what they can within the constraints of what is available to them to be "good demons" and help those who are alive today NOT to make the mistakes they made
It is the demons who are the primary masterminds in the campaign of Satan against Yah
NEXT SUB-SECTION: No Trinity >>>